Thursday, 28 April 2011

Bristol book fair!

For the first time in a while I'm really super pleased with my work. Here's four images from my mini zine that I'm selling at the Bristol Book Fair. It was from some images from Vasalisa the Beautiful fairy tales we did last term at uni that I didn't get to use because the brief didn't fit.

Sunday, 10 April 2011

Easter Sun

No pictures today, just an update. Finished Illus 130 after spending a good 4 weeks in the aquarium for it; and then deciding to continue the aquarium theme for the bristol book fair at the end of the month. Also working on an essay comparing Hiroshige with the giftbook illustrators such as Dulac, Nielson ect. Though i find this good weather far too tempting. Incase anyone was wondering the headline image was something i did in collage ages ago, ill replace it one day with something smaller and more recent